tiff caza

Hungry Like The Wolf for New Lupus Nephritis Guidance

Hungry Like The Wolf for New Lupus Nephritis Guidance

This week, we will discuss the recently published KDIGO lupus guidelines. Published a couple of years after the big GN guidelines - let us dive in to see what’s new in lupus nephritis

Be excited, no need to APOLogize

Huge news in APOL1 nephropathy - ten tweets to fill you in here:

More options for immunosuppression in IgA....

Check out the tweetorial for the MAIN event - does MMF work in IgA Nephropathy?

The future for refractory lupus nephritis?

Ten Tweet round up of exciting CAR T trial in patients with SLE discussed last month - check it out while you can!

Ten Tweets does TESTING 2.0

Did you miss the TESTING reboot discussion? No worries, we have you covered here: