This week, we will maybe not expect the worse, while discussing the COMPASS post hoc analysis. Are PPIs so bad for the kidneys?
FLOW Trial: Are Innovative Treatments Accessible to the Patient Communities in Need?`
FLOW - El Resumen Visual
¡La Marea de Semaglutida llegó a la Enfermedad Renal Crónica!
Del monstruo de Gila al estudio FLOW.
Para ello, veamos el hermoso resumen visual realizado por la pasante de NephEdC, Anjana Gopal, traducido por Milagros Flores.
FLOW- the Visual Abstract
‘FLOW’ing with the Semaglu’TIDE’!
Check the beautiful visual abstract made by NephEdC intern Anjana Gopal, with an appearance of the Gila monster as well.
FLOWing with the SemagluTIDE
The KDIGO 2024 CKD Guidelines: part 2
KDIGO 2024 CKD guidelines part 2 - Visual Abstract
Checkout the top 10 takeaways by KDIGO on the management of people with CKD. VA by Dr Vamsidhar Veeranki
The KDIGO CKD 2024 Guidelines Part 1: Evaluation and Risk Stratification
Check out the TOP 10 takeaways from KDIGO - CKD guidelines on evaluation of people with or at risk of CKD by NSMC Intern Stephanie Torres
Apolipoprotein E in Dense Deposit Disease and C3 GN - Visual Abstract
Shedding Light on the Dense Matter of C3 Glomerulopathy
Healing, Hype, or Harm: The NefIgArd trial
The NeflgArd Part B Visual Abstract
Does targeted-release formulation of Budesonide improve kidney function in primary IgA Nephropathy? Check out the VA by NSMC Intern Anant Pilawan on NefIgArd part B trial
PRAECISely Predicting Preeclampsia
PRAECIS - Visual Abstract
NSMC Intern Elba Medina creates a crisp VA for the PRAECIS trial.
Also, we have some bonus VAs this time created for NephMadness by our VA editor Divya Bajpai!
Global disparities in kidney disease burden and care - Visual Abstract
The Worldwide Shadow of Kidney Disease
The PROTECT-V platform - RENALISM no more?
Dialysis dreams and sleepless realities: the SLEEP-HD trial
The SLEEP-HD Visual Abstract
Check out the dreamy Visual Abstract by Cristina Popa
Any sleep potion for insomnia in patients on hemodialysis?