cristina popa

Hunting Primary Hyperaldosteronism: are MRAs a blindfold in adrenal vein sampling?

Hunting Primary Hyperaldosteronism: are MRAs a blindfold in adrenal vein sampling?

This week, we will continue with February’s aldosterone leitmotif: do mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRAs) truly blind the diagnostic in unilateral hypraldosteronism? Is this the article the mythbuster? Draw your own conclusions

Hungry Like The Wolf for New Lupus Nephritis Guidance

Hungry Like The Wolf for New Lupus Nephritis Guidance

This week, we will discuss the recently published KDIGO lupus guidelines. Published a couple of years after the big GN guidelines - let us dive in to see what’s new in lupus nephritis

Antibiotics and sudden cardiac death: #NephJC Tweetorial Catch-up

Which antibiotics increase risk of sudden death in your patient on haemodialysis? Probably something you should know. Check out our rapid-fire summary tweetorial at the link!