Can we train to deal with the pain? HOPE trial shows us that non-pharmacological intervention can be an option. Visual abstract by Cristina Popa
HOPE-ing and Coping with Pain in Dialysis
The SLEEP-HD Visual Abstract
Check out the dreamy Visual Abstract by Cristina Popa
Any sleep potion for insomnia in patients on hemodialysis?
🤔 Improving Fatigue in Dialysis - The TACCare trial
Effects of Technology Assisted Stepped Collaborative Care Intervention to Improve Symptoms in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis (Jhamb, JAMA Internal Medicine 2023)
🤔 Intradialytic exercise improves physical functioning
Exercise during Hemodialysis in Patients with Chronic Kidney Failure (Anding-Rost, NEJM Evidence 2023)
✏️ Taurolidine to prevent CRBSI
🤔 Severe hypocalcemia with Denosumab in Dialysis
Severe Hypocalcemia With Denosumab Among Older Female Dialysis-Dependent Patients (JAMA 2024)
TenXeetNephJC? TenPostNephJC? It's HDF and CONVINCE anyway.
Huge trial on our core work, catch-up here
Sodium Thiosulphate: An Elixir Vitae against the Sorcery of Calcific Uremic Arteriolopathy?
The AskASN Chat: Follow up FAQs
Ask ASN: A special NephJC
Checking in on MyTEMP - #TenTweetNephJC
The last NephJC of the year brought us a cool discussion on if cooling dialysate could help mitigate the effects of intradialytic hypotension. Get caught up with the chat in the latest edition of #TenTweetNephJC.
When feeling cool isn’t cool: the MyTEMP trial
Efficiency in clinical trials: Getting to the H4RT of registry design
Revisiting the Ideal Time: The Case of Chronic Dialysis
LUST but do not fall in Love with POCUS yet?
LUST Visual Abstract
Dr. Aarthi designed this nice visual abstract for this week’s chat.