NSMC Intern Elba Medina creates a crisp VA for the PRAECIS trial.
Also, we have some bonus VAs this time created for NephMadness by our VA editor Divya Bajpai!
This week, we will celebrate in advance World Kidney Day by discussing the results of OBInutuzumab in active lupus nephritis. The LUNAR trial (rituximab versus placebo) was “almost” positive, but not quite there. Would Obi overpower its cousin ritux? ✨
This week, we will continue with February’s aldosterone leitmotif: do mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRAs) truly blind the diagnostic in unilateral hypraldosteronism? Is this the article the mythbuster? Draw your own conclusions
This week, we will discuss the origins of primary hyperaldosteronism in normotensive patients. Could this undetected anomaly be the cause of idiopathic hypertension and CKD?
This week, we will discuss the HOPE trial - no not that one - the one in dialysis that was a LBCT in 2024. Should we look beyond analgesics to non-pharmacological options more seriously?
Should we call 2024 the Renaissance of nephrology? It was probably the richest year in RCTs in the nephrology world, reflected in the higher number of Late-Breaking Clinical Trials sessions at every big nephrology congress. Probably 1st place won’t surprise anyone; it was the anticipated FLOW of the year, but this Top 10 Nephrology Stories definitely includes some unexpected titles
NSMC Intern Elba Medina creates a crisp VA for the PRAECIS trial.
Also, we have some bonus VAs this time created for NephMadness by our VA editor Divya Bajpai!
Long-Term Blood Pressure Control After Hypertensive Pregnancy Following Physician-Optimized Self-Management: The POP-HT Randomized Clinical Trial (Kitt, JAMA 2023)
Any reduction in maternal kidney mass makes a difference during pregnancy in gestational and fetal outcome. (Kidney International 2024)
After CHIP we discussed CHAP. In case you missed it, we have you covered here:
Welcome to #TenTweetNephJC
— Nephrology Jrnl Club (@NephJC) June 1, 2022
✳️ Last week's #NephJC in 10 tweets ✳️
Did you miss the latest CHAPter of #NephJC? Join us as we catch you up on the Chronic Hypertension in Pregnancy trial -- the CHAP chat!https://t.co/zdjwgONpt1 pic.twitter.com/4RK5HKulC6