This is Cristina’s Idea
This week, we will continue with February’s aldosterone leitmotif: do mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRAs) truly blind the diagnostic in unilateral hypraldosteronism? Is this the article the mythbuster? Draw your own conclusions
This week, we will discuss the origins of primary hyperaldosteronism in normotensive patients. Could this undetected anomaly be the cause of idiopathic hypertension and CKD?
This week, we will discuss hopefully the final story of intensive BP lowering. BPROAD is a larger version of ACCORD without the glycemic control arm. Dive in.
This week, we will discuss the ongoing saga of blood pressure targets in patients with hypertension. This time its ESPRIT (Effects of Intensive Systolic Blood Pressure Lowering Treatment in Reducing Risk of Vascular Events) making a case for case for intensive BP control in most hypertensive individuals, including those with a history of diabetes and stroke.
Is living kidney donation safe or does it bring hypertension and potential kidney badness on the horizon? This week we will be focusing on an encouraging JAMA article, hoping to be close to a more definitive answer
This week, we tag along with NephMadness. It will be hard to stay impartial while discussing the role of angiogenic and antiangiogenic factors in severe preeclampsia prognosis.
Classic scenario: young doctor, old patient with asymptomatic hypertension…
This week we are going against our instinct to normalize blood pressure numbers and listening to our wise elders.
This week, we will discuss the first new BP lowering drug in decades. Aprocitentan, a dual endothelin antagonist in a meticulously designed trial in resistant hypertension.
This week, we have a practice changing study about the treatment of mild hypertension during pregnancy. Join us on Tuesday (9 EDT) and Wednesday (9 IST).
This week, we will discuss the PATH BP trial, which demolishes the supposed benign nature of acetaminophen/paracetamol.
This week, we will discuss the CLICK trial. Another medical reversal - showing that this old and cheap drug, chlorthalidone, might actually work in advanced CKD. Click through to read more.
This week, we will discuss the SSASS trial. in which a simple switch of table salt with a K-enriched salt works miracles. Is it about the sodium or the potassium?
This week, we will discuss the correct way to diagnose primary aldosteronism. Is a spot ARR sufficient? Prepare to turn whatever you thought you knew about PA around.
The new generation of potassium binders bind potassium but can they improve patient outcomes? These second order questions are starting to be answered. Join us this week to discuss the use of patiromer and spironolactone in patients with resistant hypertension.The AMBER Study
Check out the overall summary of all our renal denervation trial bonanza from 2018.
This is the summary of the RADIANCE SOLO trial, of renal denervation using an intravascular ultrasound, in patients not on medications.
This is the summary of the SPYRAL HTN-ON trial - of renal denervation in patients on 1-3 medications.
This is the summary of one of the three RDN trials we are discussing - SPYRAL HTN-OFF, which examined the effect of renal denervation in patients with mild hypertension, who were off medications.
Next Tuesday and Wednesday we will discuss three, yes, three trials of renal denervation. Is renal denervation ready to rise, phoenix-like, from the ashes of Symplicity-3?
This week, we will discuss the NEJM cluster RCT from Victor and colleagues, which has created such a buzz. Barbers and pharmacists team to have a fantastic effect. Could it be true?
Join us as we dissect a few key aspects of the mammoth undertaking that was the 2017 ACC/AHA blood pressure guidelines!
Join us this week as we discuss guidelines - with a difference. Hypertension, but in children - as the AAP unveiled them recently. The entire manuscript is over 70 pages, so make sure you read this succinct summary from Cathy Quinlan.