#NephJC discusses #DreamRCT

Tuesday Oct 13th 9 pm EDT

Wednesday Oct 14th 8 pm BST/3pm EDT


Joel Topf and Jordan Weinstein have teamed up again to bring us #DreamRCT, and this time they have outdone themselves. They have lined up 16 ideas - and have roped in MedPage Today to host the entries. Head there to read about the #DreamRCT project, and the trials.

Then, go to Ukidney, where you will be get $100,000 of virtual money. Select the idea(s) you like, and fund them. In the spirit of the competition, the RFN blog has even put up the leaderboard.

There is something for everyone - a few RCTs trying to improve outcomes in #AKI (AKI-REPACE and NEPHRO-RULES), along with one to disprove the existence of contrast nephropathy (PANIC). There are trials designed for kidney stones (ALK-PHOS), interstitial nephritis (IDIN), PCKD (WATS-APP), CKD (ACT-NOW) and even medical education (SONNET). Most trials of course are in the dialysis population (NO DUH, PHD, MIND, MAGIK and WREP KT). And the current leaders are in electrolytes (NOLANOMO), myeloma (CASTAWAY), proteinuria (CLARITY) and SLE (RoRoLun).

This week's NephJC chat is being hijacked by DreamRCT. On Tuesday and Wednesday, we will try to bring the the authors behind some of these ideas to chat about these fantastic ideas. Tell us about the DreamRCTs you like, the ones you hate, and the ones that need to be written.

  • Is there an RCT(s) you see that you would enrol yourself/your patients if it was actually funded tomorrow?
  • OTOH, would you *not* want to be any part of any particular #DreamRCT? if so, why?
  • Do you have any ideas or suggestions to finesse some of these dreams?

Join us on Oct 13/14 to answer these and more Questions about the #DreamRCT.

See a transcript of the discussion