Introducing Kidney Medicine NephJC Editorials

We have been doing NephJC tweetchats since April 2014, for almost 7 ½ years, without missing a month. The summary and the chat have been a consistent feature of NephJC, with the visual abstract being a more recent but popular and stable addition. Other ideas, such as the post-chat video ‘hangout’ discussion, Twitter curation or a wrapup post, have fallen by the wayside, mostly from being difficult to sustain and put together. Unfortunately, that means the rich discussions and conversations - though available on twitter, are scattered, like tears in rain. In particular, for someone who is a Twitter novice, or does not know anything about NephJC, it is hard to explain what this is all about. 

Enter the Kidney Medicine NephJC Editorials. 

Click on this image if you see it on a NephJC page, to go to a NephJC editorial in Kidney Medicine. 

Kidney Medicine, as most of you know, is the newest kid in the National Kidney Foundation stable of journals. It is open access, and has a connection with the NSMC, as their social media editors and visual abstract creators are drawn from the NSMC faculty and interns. Friend of NephJC, Dan Weiner is the editor in chief. 

Starting this month, select NephJC chats will be summarized in Kidney Medicine as NephJC Editorials. These short manuscripts will bring together the NephJC Summary, visual abstract, as well as highlights from the NephJC conversation.

Read the inaugural Kidney Medicine editorial, from Jamie Willows, Alicja Rydzewska-Rosołowska, Joel and Swap here