Participate in the #NephJC Caucus

Vote for the next #NephJC article and help make NephJC great again!

We are going to be talking about anemia on March 22nd with either some classic articles like Beserab and TREAT or the recent systematic review on ESAs and quality of life, but we have a hole in the schedule on March 8th. So help us figure this out by voting in our twitter poll.

Proton pump inhibitors cause CKD From JAMA Internal Medicine #PPI2CKD

Maybe statins really are good in dialysis. Long term follow up of the 4D study. #StatinHD 

Nephrectomies cause heart damage. Early CKD is sowing the seed for future CV catastrophe even at pedestrian GFRs. #GFRgood.

Sevelamer versus calcium based binders. A systematic review showing a mortality benefit with sevelamer. #BinderWars

The winner will be discussed March 8th and the others may be put in the cue to be discussed in April and beyond. The loser will drop out of the race and endorse Rubio.