It’s big,
it’s international
It’s going to be amazing
It’s that time again - we’re ready to kick off another year of the NSMC internship. We are excited to introduce the internship class of 2020. They are a diverse group of individuals and hail from 12 countries across 5 continents. Learn their names because they will be producing the visual abstracts, journal clubs, blog posts, tweetorials and bits of #FOAMed that make #NephTwitter so rich.
The class is listed below If you want to see them on Twitter, check out this list. Some statistics:
28 interns
16 women, 12 men
13 from US
1 from Canada
2 from Mexico
2 From Australia
3 from India
1 from Romania
1 from Ireland
1 from the UK
1 from Egypt
1 from Malaysia
1 from Nepal
1 from Philippines
Sadly, we have yet to get our first intern from Antartica.
And, now, the members of the class of 2020…
Dr. Anna Gaddy is a first year nephrology fellow at Indiana University who enjoys teaching, petting therapy dogs, spinning urine, and doesn’t mind when patients say she looks too young to be a doctor. She is a previous participant of the ASN Kidney Stars program. She joined the NSMC internship to improve her teaching skills. She seeks to use social media to augment, rather than distract from her career goals in nephrology and believes the technology can overcome the barriers of distance and hierarchy among the nephrology community. In her free time, she enjoys research, dogs, nature, and cooking. Follow her on Twitter at @AnnaGaddy.
Dr. Sudha Mannemuddhu is a pediatric nephrology fellow at the University of Florida in Gainesville. She loves meded, nephrology, chocolate, and dancing, not necessarily in that order. She is originally from India, where she trained in medicine and pediatrics. She is a researcher focusing on Ebstein Barr virus, performs apheresis. Teaching is a passion for Sudha. She is an active member of the Skeleton Key Group. Her goal is to be one of the best educators and pediatric caregivers. Follow her on Twitter at @drM_sudha.
Dr. Namrata Parikh is a nephrologist in Hyderabad, India. She is excited to be part of the NSMC internship to expand her nephrology network internationally, as well as to go from being a consumer/lurker to a content creator and active participant in social media. She is a newly made nephrologist, voracious reader, and social media newbie. Follow her on Twitter at @NamrataYParikh.
Dr. Denisse Arellano Mendez is a nephrology attending in Morelia, Mexico working at the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. She graduated from Hospital General Regional #46 in Guadalajara, Mexico. She is interested in teaching and sharing nephrology knowledge to residents, fellows, and the nephrology community at large in Latin America. She has presented multiple projects at national and international meetings, including the ISN World Congress. She is an active participant and content creator for GlomCon (Latino America team), and plans to continue this initiative. She has a particular interest in glomerulopathies, nutritional management of CKD, and kidney disease in pregnancy. Follow her on Twitter at @denisse_am.
Dr. Krishna Agrawal is a nephrology attending working at a teaching hospital in Nepal. He has completed his MBBS, MD (internal medicine), and DM (nephrology). His research interests include CKD, dialysis, and diabetes. He is on the editorial board of several journals in Nepal. He has participated in NephMadness, the NephroWorldCup, and NephJC Asia. He is looking to mentor others and is interested in the use of social media in nephrology education. Follow him on Twitter at @agrawalkris.
Dr. Rajesh Raj is a nephrology attending and physician scientist in Launceston, Australia. He received his PhD and MBA from the University of Melbourne, Australia. He’s passionate about kidney supportive care and palliative care in patients with end stage kidney disease and care of the elderly. He has worked to advocate and educate on this topic. He is a lecturer at the medical school, teaching the next generation of nephrologists and internal medicine physicians. He is joining the NSMC to help discuss, teach, practice, and learn from the nephrology community. Follow him on Twitter at @kidneymedic.
Dr. Caitlyn Vlasschaert is a first year internal medicine resident in Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada. She is an aspiring clinician-scientist, who studies vascular genetics. She has a strong interest in nephrology, and particularly nephrology genetics. She is interested in using social media to connect with other nephrologists, scientists, and physician scientists. She is also interested in creating infographics for education and teaching. She has experience making infographics for teaching in the blog: The Intern at Work. She loves all things nephrology, especially #nephrogenetics. Follow her at @DrFlashHeart.
Dr. Ayman Al Jurdi is a nephrology fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. He is interested in using tweetorials and podcasts for education. He is also interested in connecting with others and using social media for guidance and collaboration in research. His clinical and research interests are in glomerular diseases and kidney transplantation. He used to run his residency’s Twitter and slack accounts when he was an internal medicine resident at NY Presbyterian Hospital. Follow him on Twitter at @AlJurdi.
Dr. Ali Mehdi finished medical school at the American University of Beirut before joining Cleveland Clinic for his internal medicine training. After a year as chief resident, he worked as an academic hospitalist and served as an associate program director for the internal medicine residency program. Currently, he is the chief nephrology fellow and is involved in a variety of educational activities at various levels. He has a masters degree in health professions education and is passionate about teaching. He is an intern on the ASN workforce committee, and helps with ASN Kidney Stars program and the Fellows in Training bowl at Kidney Week. He is interested in new ways of learning and using social media to learn and disseminate medical information. Follow him on Twitter at @AliMehdiMD.
Dr. Yudisthra Ganeshadeva is an attending nephrologist in a private practice in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. He is involved in nephrology education through multiple oral, poster, and continuing education courses. He has an interest in peritoneal dialysis, management of hyperparathyroidism, and palliative care. He is interested in the internship to discuss the latest ideas and issues in nephrology with others internationally. Follow him on Twitter at @tulunsokit.
Dr. Corina Teodosiu is a novice nephrologist in Bucharest, Romania. She is interested in social networking and meeting passionate, like-minded individuals on nephrology social media. She is a video and podcast content creator for Rezidentiat+, an online platform for medical education dedicated to helping Romanian medical students and residents. She’s also the co-host of Kidney & The Brain podcast. She has design skills, including use of Adobe Illustrator and is an amateur artist. Follow her at @CTeodosiu.
Dr. Krishnam Penmatsa is a nephrology attending and consultant who practices in India. He completed his nephrology fellowship at University of Ottawa, Canada. He is a passionate physician and nephrologist seeking work-life harmony while striving to improve over yesterday. He is involved in the ISN social media team, and has helped disseminate pearls from the ISN World Congress of Nephrology in 2017 and 2019. He has an interest in multiple areas of nephrology including diabetes management, peritoneal dialysis, acute kidney injury, CRRT, renal management in pregnancy, and management of kidney stones, and is an enthusiastic learner. In his free time, he’s a nature explorer and google doodle fan. Follow him on Twitter at @Krishnadoctor1.
Dr. Gerren Hobby is a private practice nephrologist who practices in Jonesboro, Arkansas and is adjunct faculty at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. He has a passion for teaching and research, as well as improving local nephrology care in Arkansas. He is the creator of the salt website. He’s a FOAMed advocate and loves all things nephrology. Follow him at on Twitter at @ghobby and @Saltwebsite.
Dr. Priti Meena is a nephrology fellow at Sir Gangaram Hospital in New Delhi, India. She completed her masters in internal medicine from Maulana Azad Medical College in New Delhi. She is an active participant in NephJC, Renal Fellow Network, and Landmark Nephrology and is fascinated with kidney physiology. She has live tweeted at multiple conferences, and is interested in using social media as a force to educate and equip people with the latest updated knowledge. In her free time she enjoys listening to music, cooking Indian food, and traveling to unexplored lands. Follow her on Twitter at @priti899.
Dr. Lilia Cervantes’ personal reality growing up in poverty with English as a second language has directly shaped her deep commitment to becoming a physician as well as her community service, programs, health policy activism, and research on promoting social justice in chronic kidney disease. She is an internal medicine hospitalist and health policy physician who is interested in improving outcomes to patients with end-stage kidney disease, and has worked at Denver Health, the safety-net hospital for the city of Denver for over 11 years. Her research focuses on increasing dialysis access to immigrants as an emergency medical condition. She is interested in using nephrology social media as a platform to increase advocacy to improve dialysis access to immigrants and disseminate knowledge to other clinicians, health policy makers, and the public. Follow her on Twitter at @Cervantes_Lily1.
Dr. Ailish Nimmo is a nephrology fellow and researcher, currently doing 2 years of research in Bristol, United Kingdom. She has participated in nephrology FOAMed through the Renal Fellow Network and NephMadness. She is interested in creating free, accessible information to the nephrology community through creating blog posts and visual abstracts as take-home messages to the nephrology literature. Follow her on Twitter at @nimmikins.
Dr. Dominique Tomacruz is a first year nephrology fellow at Philippine General Hospital. She was born and raised in Metro Manila, capital of the Philippines. She has spent nearly a decade serving fellow Filipinos at the country’s largest government hospital. Her interests include onconephrology and kidney transplantation. Work is an arduous, but fulfilling task. When she has free time, she enjoys wine, traveling, practicing yoga, and following her medical newspaper on Twitter. Follow her at @DTomacruzMD.
Dr. Mariam Emam is a recent medical school graduate and budding nephrologist in Alexandria, Egypt. She has experience in blogging and video editing and wants to make science attractive, unforgettable, and shared with the public. She has created blog summaries for journal clubs to increase engagement. Her interests are in clinical nephrology, critical care, transplantation, and dialysis. Follow her on Twitter at @mariam_emam0.
Dr. Caoimhe Costigan is a Specialist Registrar in Pediatrics currently working in Children's Health Ireland at Temple Street, Dublin. She is in training to become a Paediatric Nephrologist. She is a graduate of the University of Limerick, Graduate Entry Medical School and also holds a degree in Physiotherapy from Trinity College Dublin. She is a clinical researcher, who focuses on prune belly syndrome, type 1 diabetes mellitus, tubulointerstitial nephritis with uveitis, congenital nephrotic syndrome, and congenital abnormalities of the kidney and urinary tract. She is interested in using social media to harness and critique medical information, develop professional networks, share knowledge, and in fundraising. In her free time, she is a triathlete, hockey player, and is involved in debate. Follow her on Twitter at @CaoimheCostigan.
Dr. Dhwanil Patel is a second year nephrology fellow at New York University Medical Center and resides in Brooklyn. He researches cystinuria and the use of NGAL in acute kidney injury. He is getting involved in nephrology social media by working with the Skeleton Key Group. He also is locally participating in nephrology social media through leading a nephrology account at New York University Nephrology. Follow him on Twitter at @iheartkidneys and @NYUnephro
Dr. Sophia Ambruso is an assistant professor and clinical nephrologist at the University of Colorado in Denver, CO with a primary appointment at the Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center. She is passionate about education and creating content for all learning styles. She hopes that teaching topics of kidney physiology, acid/base, and electrolyte disorders in an understandable way will increase interest in nephrology for medical students and internal medicine residents, who often find these topics intimidating and complex. Her involvement in the NSMC could help empower her as an educator and provide tools for her future trainees. She is interested in medical education and the importance of adapting our teaching styles to meet the evolving needs and learning styles of today’s students. In her free time, she enjoys exploring the world through the eyes of her two young sons. Follow her on Twitter at @sopalilla
Dr. Nayan Arora is a clinical assistant professor at the University of Washington in Seattle. He completed his internal medicine residency at UW and served as chief resident, worked as a hospitalist for a few years, and then returned for a nephrology fellowship. He is involved in teaching medical students, residents, and fellows and is seeking to gain proficiency with social media to contribute and to gain further experience as an educator. He is the creator of the University of Washington chief resident blog. He has an interest in diabetic kidney disease and cardiorenal syndrome, and participates in the kidney-heart service. Follow him on Twitter at @narora216.
Dr. Anju Yadav is a nephrology attending in Philadelphia. She is originally from India, where he completed her medical training. She is interested in HIVAN and kidney transplantation. Her goals for the NSMC internship is to be involved in international collaboration, mentorship of trainees, and to be a content creator to disseminate information in nephrology. Follow her on Twitter at @docanjuyadav.
Dr. Arun Rajasekaran is a second year nephrology fellow at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. He grew up in Bangalore, India. He is interested in glomerular diseases and onconephrology. He is currently studying racial disparities and secondary causes of IgA nephropathy, as well as IgA myeloma. He is a CJASN peer reviewer and has participated in the ASN fellows-in-training bowl for two years. He’s passionate about continuing learning in nephrology and making new collaborations. Follow him on Twitter at @nephronpower.
Dr. Tiffany Truong is a nephrology fellow at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. She is also a bioengineer, and has leadership experience during her internal medicine residency. During residency, she developed a medical education app called “Indigo”, and also has experience working for the ABC News Medical Unit in making “medical minutes”. In her free time, she writes poetry and is involved in an Art in Medicine poetry column. Follow her on Twitter at @CRRTiff.
Dr. Swasti Chaturvedi is a pediatric nephrologist who works at Royal Darwin Hospital in the northern territory of Darwin, Australia. She has trained in India, Australia, and in Canada. She is interested in using social media as a medium to learn, share, educate, and improve practice. She’s also excited about international connections and collaborations. Follow her on Twitter at @SwastiThinks.
Dr. Kartik Kalra is a nephrology fellow at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. He is originally from New Delhi, India. He is an active content creator and has made visual abstracts, participated in NephJC, is a member of the skeleton key group and is involved in NephMadness. He seeks to connect with the nephrology community, share ideas, increase access to resources, and develop new mentor/mentee relationships. Follow him on Twitter at @kkalra_22.
Dr. Pablo Galindo is a nephrologist, who recently completed his nephrology fellowship in Mexico City. He trained at the National University of Mexico. He’s interested in acute kidney injury and CRRT, and has been involved in teaching CRRT to nephrology fellows. He has created a free app for extracorporeal therapies, called ADEQUATOR. He is interested in learning, teaching, and sharing ideas on nephrology social media. Let’s welcome Dr. Galindo and follow him on Twitter at @galindozip.