The HOPE-3 study used something called the INTERHEART risk score. What is it? Developed by investigators at McMaster's PHRI, it is available freely at this link. Components include stress level, waist hip ratio and dietary factors apart from the usual suspects (age, gender, smoking, physical activity etc). Snapshot of the points:
But there are some other INTERHEART scores, some with lipid levels and apoB:A1 ratios. Here is a snapshot of what one of the other version looks like, taken from their validation study:
SPRINT, on the other hand, used the well known Framingham risk score, using a >15% risk over 10 years as one of the ways to get into the trial (apart from Age >75, CKD, clinical or subclinical CVD etc). This is available at multiple places and in most apps, this link will work if you work in US, Liberia or Burma, this one for the rest of the world (and here are printable versions). Framingham, of course, does include lipid values (total and HDL cholesterol).
And in US Units
Framingham risk calculator (for women above, and men below)
Of course, these are not the only ones around - the ACC/AHA famously created another one which was used with their lipid guidelines in 2013. There is the Reynolds risk score, the ATP-III panel, SCORE, QRISK, JBS3, MESA, Globorisk, Gaziano (non-lab based) .....