We are working on a survey of NephJC and I am trying to wrap my mind around what are the most important questions to ask. I really want to know how well NephJC compares as an educational experience to "In Real Life" journal clubs Thinking about that lead to this discussion on Twitter:
A red letter day for the GMT chatters
With a healthy bump in participants post #ERAEDTA15, just compare the participants. 'Nuff said.
The American chat
The GMT chat
Humble beginnings
I had thought of starting a Nephrology Journal club ever since I wrote about eJC on PBFluids. In fact if you look at my suggestions for how to improve CJASN eJC, you will see the skeleton for the current #NephJC. But ideas are cheap and I never did anything about it.
In the middle of NephMadness last year I received a tweet from from Swapnil suggesting that someone do a Nephrology Twitter Journal Club. I told him it was a great idea but that I had my hands full with NephMadness and that he should write me after the contest ended.
Literally moments after we announced the winner of NephMadness, Swapnil e-mails me about the journal club. I told him to do some research on how twitter journal clubs work and write a post on Medium. I half hoped he would drop the ball and go away but he published it on April 17. A week later we collaborated on a tighter introduction, also published on Medium (we didn't yet have our SquareSpace sight) And five days after that we held our first NephJC.